Tuesday 11 September 2012

Google Spreadsheets By Jasmine and Olivia L

Today the maths group Einstein timed themselves to see how long they could hold their breath for. After we collected our data we used Google drive/documents to create spreadsheets to record our data. Our choices were a Pie graph, a Line graph or a Bar graph . Our group edited and coloured our graphs, and all of us thought this was exciting and interesting. After that we wrote a meaningful comment about our graph. Here are our finished products!

Einsteins: What do these results tell you? Think about when you are in water...
If you leave a thoughtful answer, write your name on +$100 the following day

These results tell me that I can hold my breath between 20-30 seconds
My average breath holding time is in the 40s. I got the hang of holding my breath in the last few tests.
This tells me I can hold my breath for 30-50 seconds.I wonder how I will improve over time.
I think I ran out of breath in test 10
These results tell me that I scored higher in test 8, this means thatI really concentrated
These results tell me that I can hold my breath for 10 - 30 seconds
These results tell me that I had held my breath longest for 50 secs
I think I scored higher at the end on the tests because I was better prepared to take a breath
In Test 7, I scored highest because I had a break between Test 6 and Test


  1. I think many of us got out of breath which is why the results for test 10 are low. In water I think It's harder from personal experiences and the fact that you are not surrounded by air!

  2. These results tell me that it is easier to hold our breath in air, whereas holding breath in water is much harder(although we haven't tested in water)


  3. Rohan and Antony - have another think about my question, I think you have missed the point.

  4. These results tell me that you can't hold your breathe very long and if you are in the water you could't be able to cheat and move around much.

  5. these results tell us we could hold our breath for quite a while under water

  6. These results tell me that people can hald their breath for a long time underwater . That will cause them to be great swimmer.
