Tuesday 4 December 2012

Symmetry By Max and Tom

We made patterns that had a line of symmetry through the middle of them. The buddy had to copy the pattern. It was really fun for maths! We used maths equipment such as blocks and bears. We learnt that if you need to get a shape exactly the same in order for it to be symmetrical, or it does not count!

Monday 15 October 2012

What we already know about time

We are spending time on time this week. What do you already know about it?

Monday 17 September 2012

Statistics Investigation By Harriet and Anqi

Today in class, we paired up with somebody, and came up with a wondering or a question. We answered our question by collecting data starting with a tally chart. The questions most people wondered were like 'G4's favourite music/sports/movies' etc.

We had a fantastic time. I can't wait to present our graphs on the day .

Savanah asking Paige her question
Griffin deciding his answer to Tom
Olivia asking Cameron for his favourite movie
Griffin ticking off peoples names to remember who has been asked already
Aimee recording her infomation
Anqi and Griffin seeing who hasn't been asked in G4

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Google Spreadsheets By Jasmine and Olivia L

Today the maths group Einstein timed themselves to see how long they could hold their breath for. After we collected our data we used Google drive/documents to create spreadsheets to record our data. Our choices were a Pie graph, a Line graph or a Bar graph . Our group edited and coloured our graphs, and all of us thought this was exciting and interesting. After that we wrote a meaningful comment about our graph. Here are our finished products!

Einsteins: What do these results tell you? Think about when you are in water...
If you leave a thoughtful answer, write your name on +$100 the following day

These results tell me that I can hold my breath between 20-30 seconds
My average breath holding time is in the 40s. I got the hang of holding my breath in the last few tests.
This tells me I can hold my breath for 30-50 seconds.I wonder how I will improve over time.
I think I ran out of breath in test 10
These results tell me that I scored higher in test 8, this means thatI really concentrated
These results tell me that I can hold my breath for 10 - 30 seconds
These results tell me that I had held my breath longest for 50 secs
I think I scored higher at the end on the tests because I was better prepared to take a breath
In Test 7, I scored highest because I had a break between Test 6 and Test

Tuesday 4 September 2012

We created a SC for a Bar Graph

SC for a Bar Graph:

1.  Gather data before you start the graph
2. Add a main title
3. Think about the size of your graph
4. Think about the scale of your graph e.g. going up in 2s or 1s? (Even gaps!)
5. Draw and label the axis X and Y
6. Label the graph e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4
7. Label the axis with titles
8. Add the data to the graph using bars (remember to leave a gap!)
9. Think about what your results tell you